Play Along Toys était une société de jouets basée en Floride et une division en propriété exclusive de Jakks Pacific. Fondée par messieurs Charlie Emby, Jay Foreman et Larry Geller, ils lancèrent en 1999, sur le marché du jouet, des poupées de célébrités. La première fut Britney Spears puis suivirent Aaron Carter, Venus et Serena Williams et bien d'autres vedettes encore. La production était réalisée à Hong Kong que cela soit pour leurs propres créations ou pour d'autres sociétés de jouets avec lesquelles ils collaboraient. En 2004, Play Along fut acheté par Jakks Pacific. Cinq ans après, la dernière ligne de poupées fut fabriquée et l'entreprise ferma ses portes. De la fin 2003 et seulement durant l'année 2004, une gamme complète représentant les personnages et créatures du célèbre film, le "Seigneur des Anneaux" fut commercialisée. Des blisters d'une ou trois figurines et des playsets avec décors, forteresse et machines de guerre à l'échelle 1/32 ont séduit les fans de J.R.R. Tolkien. Un atout pour cette collection est que les figurines et décors correspondent de manière réaliste à tous les protagonistes de la saga et aux lieux créés pour le film. Il existe trois séries dont les différents éléments ne portent pas de numéro de référence mais une dénomination. On trouve ; Soldiers and Scenes, Heroes & Villains of Middle-earth et les playsets qui ont leur propre appellation. 

PS : les armes sur les photos de la galerie photo ne correspondent pas toujours à la figurine (
désolé pour les fans les plus

 Série - Soldiers and Scenes :

 - King Théoden (cavalier).
 - Eomer (cavalier).
 - Rohan Horseman 1 (cavalier).
 - Rohan Horseman 2 (cavalier).
 - Faramir (cavalier).
 - Gondorian Horseman 1 (cavalier).
 - Gondorian Horseman 2 (cavalier).
 - Gandalf on Shadowfax (cavalier).
 - Pippin in Gondorian Armor with Gandalf on Shadowfax (cheval).
 - Arwen and Frodo (à cheval).
 - Aragorn (cavalier).
 - Legolas and Gimli (à cheval).
 - Eowyn and Merry (à cheval).
 - Aragorn in Gondorian Armor (cavalier).
 - Merry in Rohan Armor (cavalier).


King Théoden.

King Théoden.

King Théoden.

King Théoden.





Rohan Horseman 1.

Rohan Horseman 1.

Rohan Horseman 1

Rohan Horseman 1





Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 1.

Gondorian Horseman 2.

Gondorian Horseman 2.

Gondorian Horseman 2.

Gondorian Horseman 2.

Gandalf on Shadowfax.

Gandalf on Shadowfax.

Gandalf on Shadowfax.

Gandalf on Shadowfax.

Arwen and Frodo.

Arwen and Frodo.

Arwen and Frodo.

Arwen and Frodo.



Legolas and Gimli.

Legolas and Gimli.

Eowyn and Merry.

Eowyn and Merry.

Eowyn and Merry.

Eowyn and Merry.

Aragorn in Gondorian Armor.

Aragorn in Gondorian Armor.

Aragorn in Gondorian Armor.

Aragorn in Gondorian Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Merry in Rohan Armor.

Recto du blister.

Recto du blister.

Verso du blister.

Verso du blister.

 - Mouth of Sauron (cavalier).
 - Ringwraith 1 (cavalier).
 - Ringwraith 2 (cavalier).
 - Dark Rider (cavalier).
 - Warg Rider (cavalier).
 - Sharku on Warg (cavalier).
 - Gothmog on Warg (cavalier).
 - Morannon Orc on Warg 1 (cavalier). 
 - Morannon Orc on Warg 2 (cavalier). 


Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth of Sauron.

Ringwraith 1.

Ringwraith 1.

Ringwraith 2.

Ringwraith 2.

Ringwraith 2.

Ringwraith 2.

Dark Rider.

Dark Rider.

Dark Rider.

Dark Rider.

Warg Rider.

Warg Rider.

Warg Rider.

Warg Rider.

Sharku on Warg.

Sharku on Warg.

Sharku on Warg.

Sharku on Warg.

Gothmog on Warg.

Gothmog on Warg.

Morannon Orc on Warg 1.

Morannon Orc on Warg 1.

Morannon Orc on Warg 1.

Morannon Orc on Warg 1.

Morannon Orc on Warg 2.

Morannon Orc on Warg 2.


 - Attack at Amon-Hen (3 figurines).
 - Companions of the Ringbearer (3 figurines).
 - Rohan Soldiers (3 figurines).

 - Men of Rohan (3 figurines).
 - Gondorian Soldiers (3 figurines).
 - Rangers of Gondor (3 figurines).
 - The Capture of Sméagol (3 figurines).
 - Fighting Fellowship (3 figurines).
 - Elven Soldiers (3 figurines).
 - Prologue Elves (3 figurines) pour ce set, il existe 4 figurines; Elf avec épée à deux mains, Elf avec épée et bouclier,
                                                                                                    Archer Elf ou Lancier Elf.
 - Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (3 figurines).
 - Rescue at Cirith Lingol (3 figurines).
 - Attack at Weathertop (3 figurines).
 - Ambush at Weathertop (3 figurines). 


Attack at Amon-Hen.

Attack at Amon-Hen.

Attack at Amon-Hen (1/3).

Attack at Amon-Hen (1/3).

Attack at Amon-Hen (2/3).

Attack at Amon-Hen (2/3).

Attack at Amon-Hen (3/3).

Attack at Amon-Hen (3/3).

Rohan Soldiers.

Rohan Soldiers.

Rohan Soldiers (1/3).

Rohan Soldiers (1/3).

Rohan Soldiers (2/3).

Rohan Soldiers (2/3).

Rohan Soldiers (3/3).

Rohan Soldiers (3/3).

Men of Rohan.

Men of Rohan.

Men of Rohan.

Men of Rohan.

Men of Rohan (1/3).

Men of Rohan (1/3).

Men of Rohan (2/3).

Men of Rohan (2/3).

Men of Rohan (2/3).

Men of Rohan (2/3).

Men of Rohan (3/3).

Men of Rohan (3/3).

Gondorian Soldiers.

Gondorian Soldiers.

Gondorian Soldiers (1/3).

Gondorian Soldiers (1/3).

Gondorian Soldiers (2/3).

Gondorian Soldiers (2/3).

Gondorian Soldiers (3/3).

Gondorian Soldiers (3/3).

Rangers of Gondor.

Rangers of Gondor.

Rangers of Gondor (1/3).

Rangers of Gondor (1/3).

Rangers of Gondor (2/3).

Rangers of Gondor (2/3).

Rangers of Gondor (3/3).

Rangers of Gondor (3/3).

The Capture of Sméagol.

The Capture of Sméagol.

The Capture of Sméagol (1/3).

The Capture of Sméagol (1/3).

The Capture of Sméagol (2/3).

The Capture of Sméagol (2/3).

The Capture of Sméagol (3/3).

The Capture of Sméagol (3/3).

Fighting Fellowship.

Fighting Fellowship.

Fighting Fellowship (1/3).

Fighting Fellowship (1/3).

Fighting Fellowship (2/3).

Fighting Fellowship (2/3).

Fighting Fellowship (3/3).

Fighting Fellowship (3/3).

Elven Soldiers.

Elven Soldiers.

Elven Soldiers (1/3).

Elven Soldiers (1/3).

Elven Soldiers (2/3).

Elven Soldiers (2/3).

Elven Soldiers (2/3).

Elven Soldiers (2/3).

Elven Soldiers (3/3).

Elven Soldiers (3/3).

Prologue Elves.

Prologue Elves.

Prologue Elves (1/3).

Prologue Elves (1/3).

Prologue Elves (2/3).

Prologue Elves (2/3).

Prologue Elves (3/3).

Prologue Elves (3/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep.

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep.

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (1/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (1/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (2/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (2/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (3/3).

Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (3/3).

Rescue at Cirith Lingol.

Rescue at Cirith Lingol.

Ambush at Weathertop.

Ambush at Weathertop.

Ambush at Weathertop.

Ambush at Weathertop.

Ambush at Weathertop (1/3).

Ambush at Weathertop (1/3).

Ambush at Weathertop (2/3).

Ambush at Weathertop (2/3).

Ambush at Weathertop (3/3).

Ambush at Weathertop (3/3).


 - Army of Death (3 figurines).
 - Moria Orcs (3 figurines).
 - Mordor Orcs (1 cavalier + 1 figurine).
 - Mordor Orcs (3 figurines).
 - Orcs of Cirith Lingol (3 figurines).
 - Marching to Mordor (3 figurines).
 - Ringwraiths (3 figurines).
 - Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (3 figurines).
 - Attack on Rohan (3 figurines).
 - Uruk-hai (3 figurines). 
 - Fires of Mount Doom (3 figurines).
 - Easterling Warriors (3 figurines).
 - The Legions of Haradrim (3 figurines).
 - The defaet of Sauron (3 figurines).


Army of Death.

Army of Death.

Army of Death (1/3).

Army of Death (1/3).

Army of Death (2/3).

Army of Death (2/3).

Army of Death (3/3).

Army of Death (3/3).

Moria Orcs.

Moria Orcs.

Moria Orcs (1/3).

Moria Orcs (1/3).

Moria Orcs (2/3).

Moria Orcs (2/3).

Moria Orcs (3/3).

Moria Orcs (3/3).

Mordor Orcs 1.

Mordor Orcs 1.

Mordor Orcs 1 (1/2).

Mordor Orcs 1 (1/2).

Mordor Orcs 1 (2/2).

Mordor Orcs 1 (2/2).

Mordor Orcs 2.

Mordor Orcs 2.

Mordor Orcs 2 (1/3).

Mordor Orcs 2 (1/3).

Mordor Orcs 2 (2/3).

Mordor Orcs 2 (2/3).

Mordor Orcs 2 (3/3).

Mordor Orcs 2 (3/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol.

Orcs of Cirith Lingol.

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (1/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (1/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (2/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (2/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (3/3).

Orcs of Cirith Lingol (3/3).

Marching to Mordor.

Marching to Mordor.

Marching to Mordor (1/3).

Marching to Mordor (1/3).

Marching to Mordor (2/3).

Marching to Mordor (2/3).

Marching to Mordor (3/3).

Marching to Mordor (3/3).

Ringwraiths (1/3).

Ringwraiths (1/3).

Ringwraiths (2/3).

Ringwraiths (2/3).

Ringwraiths (3/3).

Ringwraiths (3/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop.

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop.

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (1/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (1/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (2/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (2/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (3/3).

Twilight Ambush at Weathertop (3/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (1/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (1/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (2/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (2/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (3/3).

Fires of Mount Doom (3/3).

Easterling Warriors.

Easterling Warriors.

Easterling Warriors (1/3).

Easterling Warriors (1/3).

Easterling Warriors (2/3).

Easterling Warriors (2/3).

Easterling Warriors (3/3).

Easterling Warriors (3/3).

The Legions of Haradrim.

The Legions of Haradrim.

The Legions of Haradrim (1/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (1/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (2/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (2/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (2/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (2/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (3/3).

The Legions of Haradrim (3/3).

The defaet of Sauron.

The defaet of Sauron.

The defaet of Sauron (1/3).

The defaet of Sauron (1/3).

The defaet of Sauron (2/3).

The defaet of Sauron (2/3).

The defaet of Sauron (3/3).

The defaet of Sauron (3/3).


Série - Heroes & Villains of Middle-earth - Battle Scale Figure - Collection :

 - Aragon.
 - Legolas with bow.
 - Gandalf the Grey.
 - Rohan Soldier.
 - Rohan Archer.
 - Elf Soldier.
 - Gondorian Ranger.
 - Orc Drummer.
 - Attack Craft Orc with Club.
 - Attack Craft Orc with Sword and Shield.
 - Moria Orc Archer.
 - Easterlink with Shield.

 - Ambush at Weathertop Collection : Sam, Frodo, 1 Strider et 5 Ringwraiths.
 - Battle at Helm's Deep Collection : King Theoden, 2 Rohan Soldiers, 2 Elven Warriors, 2 Elven Archers, 3 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.
 - The Fellowship Collection : Gandalf the Grey, Pippin, Merry, Sam, Frodo, Boromir, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas.


Legolas with bow.

Legolas with bow.

Gandalf the Grey.

Gandalf the Grey.

Rohan Soldier.

Rohan Soldier.

Rohan Archer.

Rohan Archer.

Elf Soldier.

Elf Soldier.

Gondorian Ranger.

Gondorian Ranger.

Orc Drummer.

Orc Drummer.

Attack Craft Orc with Club.

Attack Craft Orc with Club.

Attack Craft Orc with Sword and Shield.

Attack Craft Orc with Sword and Shield.

Morla Orc Bowman.

Morla Orc Bowman.

Morla Orc Bowman.

Morla Orc Bowman.

Easterlink with Shield.

Easterlink with Shield.

Ambush Wearthertop Collection.

Ambush Wearthertop Collection.

Battle at Helm's Deep Collection.

Battle at Helm's Deep Collection.

The Fellowship Collection.

The Fellowship Collection.


 Série - Weapens and Warriors :

 - Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.
 - Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste) + 2 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.
 - Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) + 2 Gondorian Soldiers.


Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Battering Ram (bélier) + 4 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste) + 2 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste) + 2 Uruk-Hai Soldiers.

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista - Uruk Hai soldier (1/2).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista - Uruk Hai soldier (1/2).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista - Uruk Hai soldier (2/2).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista - Uruk Hai soldier (2/2).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Uruk-Hai Siege Ballista (balliste).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) + 2 Gondorian Soldiers.

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) + 2 Gondorian Soldiers.

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (1/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (2/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte) - Gondorian Soldiers (2/2).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte).

Gondorian Catapult (catapulte).


 Série - Battle Scenes :

 - Osgiliath Ruins with Fell Beast.
 - Shelob's Lair with Frodo & Sam.
 - Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.
 - Orthanc Chamber at Isengard.
 - Pelennor Fields with Fell Beast.


Osgiliath Ruins with Fell Beast.

Osgiliath Ruins with Fell Beast.

The Fell Beast.

The Fell Beast.

Frodon Sacquet - Frodo Baggins en anglais.

Frodon Sacquet - Frodo Baggins en anglais.

Osgiliath Ruins with Fell Beast.

Osgiliath Ruins with Fell Beast.

Shelob's Lair with Frodo & Sam

Shelob's Lair with Frodo & Sam

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Moria Orc et Gandalf le Gris.

Moria Orc et Gandalf le Gris.

Gandalf le Gris.

Gandalf le Gris.

Moria Orc.

Moria Orc.

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Bridge at Khazad-dum Battle.

Orthanc Chamber at Isengard.

Orthanc Chamber at Isengard.

Gandalf le Gris - Saruman - Grima Wormtongue.

Gandalf le Gris - Saruman - Grima Wormtongue.

Le combat à Isengard.

Le combat à Isengard.

Gandalf le Gris.

Gandalf le Gris.



Grima Wormtongue.

Grima Wormtongue.

Orthanc Chamber at Isengard.

Orthanc Chamber at Isengard.

Pelennor Fields with Fell Beast.

Pelennor Fields with Fell Beast.



Eowyn en armure du Rohan.

Eowyn en armure du Rohan.


 Série - Deluxe Set :

 - Battle at Helm's Deep.
 - Pelennor Fields.


Battle at Helm's Deep.

Battle at Helm's Deep.

Uruk-Hai qui mène l'attaque.

Uruk-Hai qui mène l'attaque.

Verso de la boîte.

Verso de la boîte.

Côté de la boîte.

Côté de la boîte.

Pelennor Fields.

Pelennor Fields.

Mordor Orc (1/2).

Mordor Orc (1/2).

Mordor Orc (2/2).

Mordor Orc (2/2).

Troll de siège.

Troll de siège.

Troll de siège.

Troll de siège.









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